Meet the Team

Nigel – Founder and Lead Organiser

Nigel’s first modified car experience which took him down the path he’s now on, was taking a friend to DJ at Meanstreet cruise. This was the first legal cruise and drifting event which used to take place at Essex Arena.

It took ages to get in and whilst in the queue of modified cars he noticed a wide arch Wings West Civic which was up for sale. A few weeks later and a bank loan behind him, he went to Kent and collected the car.

He was soon was cruising to Southend with friends; at the time Lee had a gold supra and Dan had an R32 that was just featured in Redline magazine. This was a great time for Max Power cars and with Fast and Furious just being released at the cinema. He had such a great time at events like Max Power Live and Donny south, this is where he got to meet some people he now classes as good friends.

After a few years he built his own civic which is where he met Hond-R and one of the most trusted Honda garages he knows, the dream finally came true and he was out and about in a H22 Civic which honestly scared the life out of him.

The Civic sadly went as he started to become involved in helping with events; eventually becoming fully involved with a long and well established show which taught him a great deal and allowed him to hone and develop his organisational skills. He gave up a lot of free time to promote at events and push the event as best possible. This became more of a way of life for Nigel than a job.

He felt for a while that he should take a step into the unknown and put on his own event and this is where Yakushi was born. Without the help and backing from not only family and friends, but car club reps he’d met through previous shows, Yakushi would not have been a possibility.

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